Title: Turning for Food with Nick Cook Workshop July 19-23
Location: Mountain View
Link out: Click here
Description: Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to plan a trip to Mountain View for a week-long get-away and craft experience at the Arkansas Craft School. The following classes will be offered through August 20, 2010:
· July 19 – 23: “Turning for Food” with Nick Cook. Need a pepper mill or a salad bowl? Nationally known wood turner Nick Cook can be your guide on our state-of-the-art wood turning lathes.
The Arkansas Craft School, located in Mountain View, Arkansas is dedicated to the education of aspiring and practicing craft artisans for success in the Creative Economy. The Craft School partners with the Arkansas Craft Guild and Ozarka College; and offers Continuing Education credits for all of its courses. Scholarship grants are available for most courses. Support for the Arkansas Craft School is provided, in part, by the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the National Endowment of the Arts. Visit the Arkansas Craft School’s website, for more information on these and other upcoming classes; as well as information on scholarship applications.
Start Date: 2010-07-19
End Date: 2010-07-23